Shamash Alidina – Mindfulness for dummies

boekomslag Shamash Alidina - Mindfulness for dummiesA cutting-edge meditation therapy that uses self-control techniques, mindfulness has taken off across the globe as a way of overcoming negative thoughts and emotions and achieving a calmer, more focused state of mind. Written by a professional mindfulness trainer, this practical guide covers the key self-control techniques designed to help you achieve a more focused and contented state of mind, while maximizing the health benefits of mindfulness-from reducing stress, anxiety, and high blood pressure to overcoming depression and low self-esteem and battling chronic pain and insomnia.

Schrijver: Shamash Alidina
Titel: Mindfulness for dummies
Uitgeverij: For Dummies
Jaartal: 2010
Bladzijden: 294
Genre: non-fictie
Leeftijd: 18+

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Over het boek

  • Ik heb dit boek in 2012 gekocht als Kindle-eboek.


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