Shari Arnold – Kate Triumph

boekomslag Shari Arnold - Kate TriumphNormal is so overrated. At least that’s what seventeen-year-old Kate Triumph tells herself everyday. But the truth is she lives in constant fear that someone will discover how not normal she really is. With her startling speed and her unusual ability to heal, Kate believes she’s something of a freak. Then Andrew Shore arrives. He claims he’s her father, sticks around for a few days and leaves her a plane ticket. “Come to Mercer Island,” he says. “Give me a chance to get to know you.” Soon Kate is floundering in a world of new: new address, new car, new high school and, of course, new father. Not to mention Zack, her intriguing new neighbor, who makes her want to abandon her steadfast rule of never allowing anyone to get too close. But when she discovers someone is trying to kill her, life for Kate gets a bit more complicated. And a lot less normal.

Schrijver: Shari Arnold
Titel: Kate Triumph
Uitgeverij: onbekend
Jaartal: 2014
Bladzijden: onbekend
Genre: geen
Leeftijd: 15+

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